Health information for travellers
Travel Insurance is strongly recommended for all travellers. If you come from a European Union country or Switzerland you are also advised to have a European Health Insurance Card.
If you take regular medication make sure you have enough supplies to last for your stay as, in the UK, there are restrictions regarding the types of medicines you can buy without getting a prescription from a doctor. There are many Pharmacies in Bristol where you can get advice from a pharmacist and buy over the counter medicines such as paracetamol.
NHS Walk in Centre
If you develop a minor illness or need Health Advice there is a NHS walk-in centre in Boots in the City Centre. It is open every day and you do not need to have an appointment.
The main hospital for the centre of Bristol is Bristol Royal Infirmary. The accident and emergency department is open 24 hours a day.
Medical Emergency Number
The emergency number for a medical emergency is 999